Some foods are more effective at lowering blood sugar than others.
While factors like body weight, exercise, stress and genetics can also affect blood sugar levels, a healthy diet plays a crucial role in managing blood sugar.
Some foods, such as those with added sugar or refined carbohydrates, can cause blood sugar fluctuations. However, other foods can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote overall health.
These 16 Foods Can Help You Regulate Your Blood Sugar.
1. Broccoli sprouts and broccoli
Sulforaphane, a type isothiocyanate, has properties that reduce blood sugar. This plant chemical is created by an enzyme reaction that occurs when broccoli is chewed or chopped.
The sulforaphane rich broccoli extract is a potent anti-diabetic agent. It helps improve insulin sensitivity as well as reduce blood sugar levels and markers of oxidative stress.
Broccoli sprouts contain a high concentration of glucosinolates, such as glucoraphanin. These compounds may help improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics and lower blood sugar levels when taken as a powder.
Further research is required to determine whether cruciferous vegetable consumption can reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes.
To increase the amount of sulforaphane in broccoli, sprouts, or cooked broccoli, add mustard seed powder or other active sources of myrosinase.
2. Seafood
Seafoods such as fish, shellfish and other seafood are a good source of healthy fats and vitamins. They also contain minerals and antioxidants which may help to regulate blood sugar levels.
It is important to manage blood sugar. It slows digestion, reduces blood sugar spikes after meals, and makes you feel fuller. It may also help to prevent overeating, and encourage excess body fat loss – two important effects for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
It has been proven that a high intake of fish, such as Salmon or sardines, can help regulate blood sugar.
In a study of 68 adults, those with obesity or overweight who ate 26 ounces or 750 grams per week had significantly lower blood sugar levels after meals compared to those who ate lean fish.
3. Pumpkin seeds and pumpkins
pumpkin, which is brightly colored and full of fiber and antioxidants can help regulate blood sugar. Pumpkin is used as a diabetes remedy in Mexico and Iran.
In limited human and animal studies, pumpkin extracts and powders have shown to significantly lower blood sugar levels. In limited human and animal studies, pumpkin extracts or powders were shown to reduce blood sugar levels significantly.
More research is required to determine the benefits of whole pumpkins on blood sugar.
Pumpkin Seeds contain healthy fats and proteins, making them a great choice for managing blood sugar.
In a small study conducted in 2018, involving 40 participants, it was found that eating 2 oz. (65 g.) of pumpkin seeds could reduce post-meal blood sugar levels by as much as 35% when compared to a control group.
4. Nuts, nut butter
Eating nuts has been shown to be an effective way of regulating blood sugar levels.
In a small, 25-person study on type 2 diabetes patients, eating both almonds and peanuts during the day in a low-carb diet helped to reduce fasting blood sugar and postmeal levels of glucose.
A review also found that eating different types of tree nuts reduced the fasting blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetics. The authors did note that the results are not clinically significant, and that further research is needed.
5. Okra
Okra can be eaten as a vegetable or a fruit. It is a good source of compounds that lower blood sugar, such as flavonoid anti-oxidants and polysaccharides.
Due to their powerful blood sugar-lowering qualities, Okra seeds can be a beneficial natural remedy for diabetes.
Rhamnogalacturonan is the main polysaccharide found in okra. It has been shown to be a powerful anti-diabetic compound. Okra also contains flavonoids such as isoquercitrin, quercetin, and 3-O-gentiobioside. These help to reduce blood sugar levels by inhibiting specific enzymes.
Research on humans is needed, even though animal studies have shown that Okra may be a potent anti-diabetic.
6. Flaxseed
Flaxseed contains fiber and healthy fats that may reduce blood sugar.
In a study of 57 type 2 diabetics, those who consumed 7.8 oz of 2.5% fat yogurt with 1 oz of flaxseed every day saw significant improvements in their HbA1c – a measure of long-term regulation of blood sugar – compared to those who ate plain yogurt.
A review of 25 controlled trials found that flaxseed was a significant improvement in the regulation of blood sugar.
7. Beans and lentils
Beans and legumes contain high levels of magnesium, fiber and protein. These nutrients can help reduce blood sugar. These foods are particularly rich in resistant starch and soluble fiber, which can help to slow down digestion and improve blood sugar levels after eating .
A study on 12 women showed that adding chickpeas or black beans to rice significantly reduced blood sugar levels after the meal compared with rice alone.
Other studies have found that eating lentils and beans can help regulate blood sugar and may even protect you from developing diabetes.
8. Chia seeds
Eating chia seeds may benefit blood sugar regulation. Some studies have linked chia seeds to a reduction in blood sugar and an improvement in insulin sensitivity.
In 2020, a review of 17 animal experiments concluded that chia seed consumption could improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar regulation and reduce the risk of disease. This includes diabetes.
A study on 15 healthy adults found that those who received 2 oz of sugar and 1 oz of ground chia seed together with 2 oz of sugar had 39% lower blood sugar than those who consumed only the sugar solution.
9. Kale
Kale is often referred to as ” Superfood”, and with good reason. It contains fiber and antioxidants, as well as multiple compounds that can help lower blood sugar levels.
The study, which included 42 Japanese adults, showed that eating 7 or 14 grams of kale with a meal high in carbohydrates significantly reduced post-meal blood sugar levels when compared to a placebo.
Researchers have shown that flavonoids found in Kale (including quercetin, kaempferol and other antioxidants) can lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity.
10. Berries
Numerous studies have linked berry consumption with improved blood glucose regulation. Berries are rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
In a 2019 study, eating two cups of red raspberries (250g) with a meal high in carbohydrates significantly reduced insulin and blood sugar levels after the meal for adults with prediabetes when compared to a control group.
Studies have shown that, in addition to raspberries and blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and can improve blood sugar control by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose clearance from blood.
11. Avocados
Avocados may offer significant benefits for blood sugar regulation. Avocados are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and contain healthy fats.
Avocados have been found to reduce blood sugar and prevent the development of metabolic disease through fat loss. The metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that include high blood pressure, high sugar levels, and increased chronic disease risk.
Remember that the Hass Avocado Board funded many of the studies that investigated the effects of avocado consumption on blood sugar level. This could have affected the results of the studies.
12. Oats, oat bran
Oats and bran are high in soluble fiber, which is known to reduce blood sugar.
A review of 16 studies revealed that oat consumption significantly reduced fasting blood glucose levels and HbA1c compared to control meals.
A small study of 10 participants found that drinking water with 1 oz oat bran mixed in before eating white flour significantly reduced blood sugar levels after the meal compared to drinking plain water.
13. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are also good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Citrus fruits also contain vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are rich in fiber and plant compounds, such as naringenin , a polyphenol that has powerful anti-diabetic properties.
Consuming whole citrus fruit may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce HbA1c. It can also protect against diabetes.
14. Kefir and yogurt
Kefir and Yogurt, both fermented dairy products, may help to regulate blood sugar.
A study conducted on 60 people with diabetes type 2 showed that drinking 20 oz of Kefir (600 milliliters), a yogurt drink rich in probiotics, each day reduced blood sugar levels and HbA1c significantly compared to drinking kefir without probiotics.
Consuming yogurt may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The authors of a 2022 study analyzed 42 studies and concluded that 50 g (1,7 oz) yogurt per day was associated with a 7 % decrease in the risk of type 2 diabetes.
15. Eggs
The eggs are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Some studies have shown that egg consumption is linked to improved blood sugar regulation.
In a study of 42 adults who had prediabetes, type 2 diabetes or overweight and obesity, eating one large eggs each day resulted in a 4.4% reduction in blood sugar levels at fasting and improved insulin sensitivity when compared to an egg substitute.
16. Apples
Apples are rich in soluble fibers and plant compounds such as quercetin and chlorogenic acid. These compounds may reduce blood sugar levels and help protect against diabetes.
In a study of 18 women, eating apples 30 minutes prior to a rice-based meal reduced blood sugar levels significantly compared to eating rice alone.
The Bottom Line
A healthy diet is important for to manage blood sugar.
If you are prediabetic or diabetic or just want to lower your risk, adding the foods above as part of your diet can help reduce your blood sugar.
Keep in mind, however, that factors like your body weight and activity level, as well your total dietary intake are the most important for optimizing blood glucose regulation.